“How does one ‘hobby’ venomous snakes?” a friend asked me recently. “It’s not like puzzling or macramé.”
“Would it be less surprising if I said I’d taken up macrame?” I replied, uncertain I could even define macramé.
On one level, the direct answer to her question is easy: why not? I know plenty of people who live in Florida and the South who love snakes. And I don’t mean love them in the “snake nut” sense, but respect and admire them, as we should all wildlife we get to share our home with. Some of these people are close friends. Two were my professors in the creative writing program at the University of Florida. And once you’ve removed a snake from inside a lakeside house, and two more from a swimming pool on the same property, and the initial heckles-up-on-the back-of-the-neck response has subsided—nothing where I am from moves like that!—it’s like, well okay then, this is what life here is.
The truth is I am more afraid of butterflies. I do not like how those creatures move. Then two summers ago I got attacked and bitten in the gut by an off-leash German Shepherd while walking in my neighborhood—a “beautiful” animal I’m sure many of you would say. I have not gotten over it. I will still cross the road if I see a dog with a similar silhouette heading in my direction, reciting quietly to myself: calmly calmly calmly.
The origin of this friend’s question, was my telling her about how I was going to spend this weekend at The Rattlesnake Conservancy in Jacksonville. I was there to participate in their Level 1 Venomous Snake Handling Certification course with twenty or so other individuals—a mix of biology and zoology students, homeowners, amateur herpers, and one guy in his sixties who had a free weekend so thought he would come and check it out and who was the calmest and most confident handler of all of us students.
Some things I heard said while I was at The Rattlesnake Conservancy:
On cottonmouths: “Everybody has an uncle with a story about being chased by a cottonmouth. Check out the Facebook page Moccasins Not Chasing People.”
On modular lung ventilation: “An adaptation to breathe when you’re a tube!”
On the dusky pygmy: “When they’re born, they can curl up on a nickel.”
On parthenogenesis: “If she can’t find a mate, she can clone herself to extend the life of the population. Till a male comes along for the genetic diversity.”
On females storing sperm: “The current record for the eastern diamondback is seven years.”
On incorrectly treating a venomous snake bite: “Do not apply an electrical current.”
On correctly treating a venomous snake bite: “Elevate bite at or above heart level. The solution to pollution is dilution.”
On keeping a snake on a hook between our practice containments: “It’s in air jail.”
Then during lunch break between a morning and afternoon session, while we were discussing our encounters with venomous snakes, a young, witty biologist said, “I mean, do they even know they’re venomous?” Everyone sitting around the picnic table laughed knowingly. “They see a human coming and they probably think it’s the reckoning.”
Putting aside for a moment everything snakes do to support our ecosystem, and to support us (just google “snake venom used in medicine”), look at the snakes we have here. The natives. Really look at them. They’re just weird little guys. Trying to live their lives. Terrified out of their tiny minds. Same as you and I.
And that’s the straightforward answer to my friend’s question.
There is another answer though, one that is more personal, and that I am still trying to figure out, let alone articulate. It has something to do with me right now. Something to do with the depth and breadth of my stuckness the last few years. With the deep disconnect I feel with myself and the people I know I love. With the stagnation of my writing life. With the failures of my personal life. With the gulf between my public and private personas.
The period of time during the pandemic that we—my husband, son, and I—were back in New Zealand, I pined for Florida and my life here like a lovesick teen. Everyone has their stories from those years. The challenging things we suffered through together, and the challenging things that were separate from Covid and that we suffered through alone. I don’t blame the pandemic for how things went for me during that time. On the outside it was a strangely good time. I had some career successes and formed some special friendships. There were other separate things though. And where I ended up was at the very bottom of the well. It was during that time I got it into my head that if I could get back to Florida, then everything would be okay. And because New Zealand is sans snakes, The Snake became symbolic of that goal. To the degree that I told my son that if we were able to move back, he could have one as a pet. So that at the end of 2022 when we received our green cards—a miracle!—and moved back, we invited a little corn snake into our lives. His name is Fahey (after John). He looks as though he has stick-on googly eyes. He’s curious and docile. You should see how he chunks down on a mouse.
I understand the basics of the reptile brain. I know Fahey does not love me. I know he probably doesn’t even recognize me. Sometimes I wonder about this—when I open his enclosure and he raises his head to greet my hand. Though he also does this when the cats sit on top of his enclosure. It’s so easy to slip into anthropomorphizing mode. But, no, I understand enough of the reptile brain to know Fahey does not love me, cannot show me affection, that I am to him no more than a large moving shape that wakes him up to bug him and feed him.
I do not feel like things are okay yet, even though it has been the longest time. And yet when I look at Fahey, when I hold him, something new fires in my brain.
I felt this same spark when this weekend I looked at The Rattlesnake Conservancy’s eastern diamondback and timber rattlesnakes, their copperhead, bull snake, the eastern indigo whose little face I glimpsed peering out of its enclosure hiding place. Something upstairs felt like it was fixing.
I need to move beyond this situation I’ve created for myself, some of these threads of my life that I do not like and do not want. I also need to get back to something of who I was a much longer time ago. Please do not insert a snake shedding its skin metaphor here—that is not what I am getting at (though that is itself a sight to behold). What I mean is that when this woman who is from New Zealand and so had never even encountered a snake for most of her life but who had nightmares about them all through her childhood and who is still afraid of moths and the sea and driving a car and disappointing her parents and getting her blood drawn and being in a situation where she has to eat a whole raw tomato, when she finally correctly double-hooked that eastern diamondback named Shortcake at The Rattlesnake Conservancy the future felt wide open and completely, wonderfully blank.
We’re all unfixed.